Bro. Daniel,
The trip to Uganda was great. We spent the first few days checking on the radio broadcast, that is sponsored by WMO. There was a unique situation there where there was a “mistake” and they played our broadcast with Bro. Branham preaching for seven hours continuously, at no extra expense to us. This caused quite a stir amongst the people with many letters and phone call responses coming in, some from as far away as Sudan and Rwanda. God sure knows how to multiply the fishes and loaves. We then spent the next days traveling Eastern Uganda and Western Uganda visiting with ministers throughout that wonderful country, assessing the needs of the groups.
Many churches in these remote areas are very much in need of the basic Message materials, most having no buildings, but meeting in the open air or wherever possible. WMO was able to purchase and distribute some lighthouse projects in these areas doing whatever we can. Keep these people in prayer as there is a great need to have the message printed in their language. I know that we will be doing all that we can to do our part toward this endeavor. All in all Brother Daniel, we met with over 70 pastors and visited several churches, distributing Message Books and MP3’s, truly “the harvest is white……..”. We were privileged to show Br. Branham’s videos to a group that had never seen or heard the Voice of the Prophet.
Pictured below is one of the bicycles they use for transportation that we spoke of purchasing for the brothers.
We will be praying for the direction of WMO as to the country of Uganda. I would also like to mention the Voice of God distributor Brother Bolahas and Brother Herbert Makoba, and thank them for their help in providing transportation to get around. On behalf of me and my son Gabe, we would like to thank first our Lord and Savior Jesus for this wonderful opportunity and secondly, WMO and all the churches that support the missionary efforts.
Rev. Frank W. Dutton
Missionary / Pastor