Please remember one of our WMO missionaries, Bro. Joe Daulton, in prayer. He is in the hospital and is supposed to have open heart surgery tomorrow.
UPDATE: Tuesday January 3, 2012
Bro. Joe’s triple bypass surgery this morning was a success. Please keep him in your prayers for a speedy recovery.
While we continue our work in South Africa, Uganda, and Kenya, Lord willing we will be preaching the Gospel in new countries in the coming year. Bro. Darrell Robson will be heading to Malawi on November 24th. In addition to this new effort, we are praying over invites to Ghana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Tanzania. Please remember these new countries in your prayers.
Also upcoming in the next few weeks are trips to the Philippines for Bro. Daniel Martin as well as Bro. Marc Duarte and team. See our calendar for the updated schedule of missionary trips in the coming months.
The photos below were sent in from Bro. Juan Huallpa. Bro. Juan is one of our missionaries in Peru and works with the people in the mountain areas around Cusco.
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